Menu Monday 11/16
I am bringing back my weekly menu posts from last fall in an effort to share more with you, and-let's be honest I've fallen off a lot of wagons lately- to get myself back on track.
I have been pondering re-launching this weekly post for awhile. I have a lot of real-life friends that struggle with what is for dinner. In fact I see a Facebook post almost daily asking that questions, so to honor that and what my fabulous chef-hubby has taught me.
I am excited to re-introduce:
The plan is to post my menu plan and recipes for the week. I think anyone, but especially teachers like me, needs some help with keeping up with foods that aren't time consuming after a LONG day.
This is the magnetic white board that I keep on my fridge to plan out the week's menu.
Monday: I work really hard to plan in a leftover day in our house. My girls are old enough to make choices based on what we have in the fridge at the time, and the older one can fend for herself. Mondays are great days for planned leftovers because who isn't tired from the start of the week? Also, I try and always cook on the weekend, so our leftover supply is fairly fresh. Currently our fridge holds meatloaf, beef stew, stir-fry, and rice soup leftovers.
Tuesday: The last time I made enchiladas I split the batch into two 9x9 pans and froze one. I just need to pull it to the fridge Monday night to thaw and bake Tuesday when I get home. Here are some great vegetarian enchilada recipes.
Wednesday: The girls have dance on Wednesday, which means we leave right after school and are gone until Potumus gets out at 8:15. We eat on the go in Alma; I usually let the girls choose where they want to eat, but we take turns.
Thursday: I have a love affair with my crock pot and hubby grabbed an extra package of chicken this weekend, so I am going to toss that in crock pot and have some bbq chicken sandwiches ready for Thursday night know there will be leftovers for lunches on Friday. Check out my bbq chicken sandwhich recipe.
Friday: We try an order pizza once or twice a month, and I have a feeling this Friday would be a good day to do it. We order form a local place in town and get a large, which feeds the four of us. Red pepper flakes here I come!
Saturday: I am hoping our 60 degree weather holds so we can grill a couple more times be for snow sets in. I buy whole pork loins and have my chef hubby slice them for me to package into 4 packs in the freezer. I dump the marinade right in on them before they are frozen. I am thinking a set of these and some potato salad would be nice this weekend.
Sunday: Pasta is always a hit in my house, but lasagna can be so time consuming to make that I usually save it for the weekend. I DO NOT use the no boil noodles because I never seem to have good luck with them. I use my mother's basic recipe with jar sauce, mozzarella, ricotta, Parmesan, noodles, and ground beef. I will probably make two 9x9 pans (like my enchiladas above), so we can eat one and freeze one.
I would love your feedback on this relaunch: do you like it? What else would you like to see in this?
Follow me on Instagram for pictures of my meals throughout the week.
Be sure to link up a great recipe below to share what works for us.