Our 2016 Bucket List

7:00 AM Sarah Koves 35 Comments

I hope that you had an amazing holiday and are gearing up for the new year.  We are back at our house from a vacation at my parents' house up north, cleaning and putting things away.  I am asking my family what they want to do this next year and creating a bucket list for us to post and accomplish this year.

Red didn't make it to my parents' house during Thanksgiving, so she is missing in our annual family photo, but we will have a new one as soon as she gets to our house.


*Visit a zoo
*Vegas BABY
*Celebrate our 10 year anniversary
*Vacation at Great Wolf Lodge
*Get Gurney's Sandwiches
*Get family photos taken


*Buy a new car
*Go camping
*Visit Mackinaw Island
*Celebrate a holiday with all 3 girls together
*Frankenmuth visit
*Do one last themed Halloween


*A family picnic
*Make a nicely decorated cake
*Have a food and mall day


*Visit Sky Zone
*Make a family lip sing YouTube video
*See a play


*Get good grades
*Visit Disney World
*Have another family reunion camping trip

What do you have on your 2016 bucket list?


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