Six Year Sale and Giveaway

10:15 PM Sarah Koves 0 Comments

Today marks six years since my first sale on Teachers Pay Teachers.  I cannot believe that it has been that long since I started my seller journey.  As a thank you to each of you, I am holding a giveaway for you choice of a product from my store.

There are tons of great items discounted up to 20% off.  I can't think of a better way to head into a three day week next week.

For poetry check out these items in my store:

I love to teach poetry all year long!

For Shakespeare try: 

In addition I have a full, newly-revised Test for A Midsummer Night's Dream.

I also have a Renaissance and Shakespeare Background Test, which is also available in Examview format.

My top seller:

Which is also available in the Examview version:

I have a vocabulary test too in Examview:

All of these go together or can stand alone.  Also, be sure to check out The Diary of Anne Frank Handouts.

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