Update to Google Classroom

5:00 AM Sarah Koves 0 Comments

In March I shared my experience with Google Classroom.  Last week I discovered a Google Classroom feature that I didn't even know existed.  I don't know when it was released, but it is pretty amazing.

Tweet: Hate having to dig down your feed on Google Classroom to find what needs review and feedback? @cera0316 @GoogleForEDU #GoogleClassroom Hate having to dig down your feed on Google Classroom to find what needs review and feedback?

This feature of Google Classroom eliminates that problem by allowing assignment feedback to happen in one place in your account.
Start by logging into Google Classroom.

Go to the menu in the upper left hand corner of the screen.  Your classes will be listed, but above the classes is the assignments tab.  If you are taking classes as well, they will be at the bottom with the assignments you have to complete, so be sure and show this feature to your students!

When you select the assignments tab, you are taken to a screen that shows all your assignments in classroom.  There are two menus at the top: To Review and Reviewed.  Below that is a list of the work students have or will complete.

By default it shows all your assignments in reverse chronological order with the ones not yet due at the top.  However, on top of the assignments is a drop-down that allows you to filter by class if you prefer.

You can go through the same steps from this screen as you can through the class itself.  There is one added feature with the menu on the right side of the assignment: Mark as Reviewed.  This takes the assignment from your To Be Reviewed tab to the Reviewed Tab.  

No more digging through all the work to find the one assignment that needs more feedback or attention.

How will you use this in your Google Classroom?

I was part of my first #edtechchat tonight and came across these three resources on going paperless, which is what Google Classroom is all about.  Read them, share them, live them.

  • Schools Overcoming Fear, which is about how students innovate with technology in the school but outside the classroom.

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